If you’ve ever been tasked with developing a marketing strategy for your company, you likely understand how challenging it can be. Too often, decisions are made that are counterproductive. The gurus at the Milwaukee SEO Company are here to educate you about common marketing mistakes and provide some guidance as to how to avoid (or fix) them. Continue reading to learn more about four common errors.
Before technology began to play such a huge role, marketing plans were developed (for the most part) a year in advance. It seemed to work just fine when that was the norm, but the now ever-changing world of technology means you can’t predict too far in advance. The best practices for SEO at the moment may not be the case six months down the road. When it comes to developing the strategy for this (and all aspects of marketing), flexibility is crucially important. Bottom line: you’re still smart to consider the long term, but you should plan more for the short term and be willing to switch it up!
There are certain expenses that go along with running a business you can’t avoid, the things you don’t want to spend money on but need to; rent, office supplies, utilities, etc. One of the biggest mistakes we see is business owners viewing their marketing efforts as a cost rather than an investment in their brand. Whether it’s money or time, everything you put into marketing your business is an essential part of long-term success.
Having choices is fantastic. You should note, however, your business doesn’t need to be present everywhere. If you’re a B2C (business to customer) organization, a social media platform like LinkedIn is probably not worth your time. Before you jump into things, take some time to be sure you’re focusing on aspects that will help you achieve your company goals.
Few customers complete their buying decision during their first visit to a website. Cross channel marketing allows you to continue targeting visitors after they’ve left through banner and side ads on partner platforms. This helps keep your product or service at the top of their mind until they’re ready to buy.
The specialists at the Milwaukee SEO can help you get the most out of your marketing dollars with a personalized plan. Get in touch with us today and we’ll visit you for an on-site marketing analysis.