At first glance, the title of this post may seem a little odd. We usually use the term “converting” to refer to making a potential customer into an actual customer by making a sale. You may be asking yourself, “if they’re already my customer or client, why do I need to “convert” them?” Let us explain.
The holiday season is in full swing in the Milwaukee area, and for many small businesses, this is one of the busiest times of year. Depending on your line of business, you might even consider the holiday season to be the “make-or- break” season for your fiscal year. When we talk about “converting” your customers, we mean that you can “convert” them from holiday-only customers or clients to year-round customers or clients. This is your one chance in the year to make a great impression to these people who only come by once a year. Use this great opportunity to showcase your business and highlight the things you do well the other eleven months of the year. Consider a promotion that invites them to come back in a month—not in a year.
We certainly know you have enough to do during this busy season, but if you are able to even take a little time and make a small effort to focus on bringing these once-a- year customers back, it can have a great effect on your business during some of the slower months.
At Milwaukee SEO Company, we’re passionate about seeing the great small and medium-sized businesses of southeastern Wisconsin thrive and flourish. If you’re looking to grow your business in the upcoming year, give us a call and let us work with you on a marketing campaign that accomplishes your goals. We’re here to help and love helping you!