Effective Marketing Tools You May Be Missing: Part 2

commonly overlooked marketing tactics for Milwaukee businesses

Our last blog post covered a few marketing tactics we feel are often overlooked by many of Milwaukee’s small business owners. Too often, small businesses believe you need to spend a great deal of money to get people in the door. That’s not true! Though they may be small, these simple steps are a great way to increase exposure for your company. Take a look at these additional options to try for your business.

Join (or lead) a group/organization

It’s very likely your community has a number of clubs or organizations tailored to business owners and industry professionals. Simply joining one is a great way to get your name out there and network with helpful individuals. You can also take it a step further and run for a board position within the group. Holding a leadership role can help expand your involvement in the community and, over time, help to grow your business.

Offer consultations…for free!

Simply put, people want free advice. By obliging and offering complimentary consultations, it shows people you’re committed to helping them further their knowledge, not just selling. Whether you hold free workshops or a more personal one-on-one meeting, free consultations are one of the best things you can offer to potential customers.

Place your logo on your car

You drive around anyway, why not use your car as a moving billboard? Your company’s logo and/or contact information placed on your vehicle is a great way to boost exposure. Drivers may just be curious enough to give you a call right away. There are tons of options from full-body decals to magnets and more – and they’re pretty affordable. If you ask us, it’s worth a shot!

If you’re ready to take steps to better your business, get in touch with the small business marketing experts at the Milwaukee SEO Company! We’ll get you started with a free, on-site marketing analysis to determine what the best strategy would be for your company.